With more than 200 plants tested worldwide, SINT Technology combines a rigorous and accurate approach to field measurements with a deep knowledge of thermodynamics and machines operation. See our applications and services and discover our solutions.
Power Generation
- Gas and steam turbogenerators
- Heavy duty and aeroderivatives
- Geothermal steam turbines
Oil & Gas
- Mechanical drive
- Acceptance performance testing
- Turbine performance modeling
- High-accuracy instrumentation rental and installation
- Monitoring and diagnostics software
- Routine performance verification
- Vibration measurements
- Exhaust temperature and flow measurement
- Exhaust emissions testing
- Performance test procedures
- Contractual guarantees definition
- Detailed performance test report
- Instrumentation calibration certificates traceable to EA-ILAC
- Test uncertainty calculation
- More than 25 years of experience and more 150 projects accomplished
- ACCREDIA international recognition for testing
- Third-party performance verification
- Flexible scheduling and fast response
- Early contractual phase support
- Customised measurement solutions
Our method
SINT Technology offers its customers a wide portfolio of testing and measurement-related services. With our modular approach to the project, each phase of testing can be supplied separately from the others, ensuring a high level of flexibility. Make an enquiry to have a solution tailored to your needs.
Turbine performance testing
Nowadays optimization of turbine performance testing is becoming more a necessity than an option of utility.
For more than 20 years, SINT Technology has been conducting performance and acceptance tests on gas and steam turbines.
Our expertise in the business has lead us to be the first Italian laboratory in obtaining the official recognition from ACCREDIA, the Italian National Accreditation Body, for gas and steam turbines performance tests. This ensures and certifies the quality of our testing results to all our Customers.
Our standards are set by major international codes, such as ASME PTC 22 and PTC 6, ISO 2314, DIN 1943 and IEC 953.
SINT Technology is a reliable and independent supplier of turbine performance testing, which can help you in the continuous monitoring of your machine and in the assessment of its condition.
Customer is supported both in the early contractual phase and prior to start the commercial operation of the unit by verifying the fulfilment of guaranteed items.
SINT Technology can also control the relative performance throughout the life of the turbine by periodic verification, in order to help Customer in prevent major failures. In addition to machine power and efficiency evaluation, SINT Technology can provide acoustic surveys, vibration measurements and exhaust gas emissions analysis.
SINT Technology provides global solutions for turbine performance testing on all kind of sizes, including:
Turbogenerators driven by gas turbines from 2 to 260 MW
Turbocompressors driven by gas turbines and by electric motor from 2 to 125 MW
Turbogenerators driven by steam turbines up to 100 MW
Turbogenerators driven by geothermal steam turbines up to 30 MW
Combined cycle power plants with gas turbine and steam turbine of medium and large size (550 MW and above)
Our experienced engineers are familiar with the models of major manufacturers like General Electric, Solar, Siemens, Ansaldo Energia, Turbomach, Elliott.
When you rely upon us to design your test, we will give you advices on the best way to achieve the most accurate result, from instrumentation to test execution.
As a centre for metrology, SINT owns a wide range of instrumentation for turbine performance testing. Our pressure transmitters, thermocouples, thermoresitances and wattmeters will come to your site provided with updated calibration certificates traceable to EA-ILAC organizations fulfilling the accuracy requirements of the major international codes.
Our test engineers will cooperate with plant personnel for the achievement of the smoothest test schedule possible, in order to minimize the impact of test execution on plant production.
Temporary additional instrumentation, to be used for the test, will be installed by SINT personnel in parallel to plant permanent one. This will allow to maintain all field measurements relevant to the plant control system active and also to double-check the proper functioning of plant instrumentation.
It is our common practice to check all flow measurement devices against relevant codes (or manufacturer’s datasheets) to confirm their proper calculation. Process gas thermodynamic properties are computed using a library of real gas Equations Of State and choosing the most suitable one.
In steam power plants and combined cycles, the test of the steam turbine performance is tightly bonded to the proper operation of the boiler. Feed water mass flow measurement, using suitable flowmeters as prescribed by ASME PTC 6 Code, is recommended for an accurate evaluation of the steam turbine efficiency.
SINT engineers will set up the Data Acquisition System, recording data from additional instruments and implementing real-time performance calculations. We will take care of checking the thermodynamic stability of your turbine and will choose the best test time interval for performance evaluation.
Gas and steam turbine performance curves, supplied by the manufacturer, are uploaded to the Data Acquisition System in order to provide our Customer with the test results at contractual reference conditions. After the test is completed, a detailed technical report will be issued.