Why field testing on centrifugal compressor
Rather than just a contractual requirement, field performance testing of centrifugal and reciprocating compressors can be a valuable opportunity to assess the base line of the unit once it is placed in operation. This can be true for both new and revamped units, and can help management in making production plans according to the real capabilities of the machine.
Very often, new compressors undergo a shop test before being shipped to site. This should determine the gap between expected design performances and “as-tested” ones, due to the manufacturing process. Why should the performance test be repeated in site?
The main reasons to conduct a field performance test are:
- determine the actual performance characteristics and suitability for service of the unit when it is installed in the pipeline
- verify the behaviour of the compressor once it is coupled with other components, such as coolers and scrubbers and the pipeline itself.
- verify if the compressor meets the specifications of the applicable purchase contract, therefore if liquidated damages or “make good” actions are required
Moreover, according to ASME PTC 10 code, shop tests often belong to the “Type 2” category, i.e. the test has been performed using a gas different from the contractual one. Field performance testing allows to use the proper process gas, which design compressor characteristics are based on.
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